Target Audience Profile




This is what I think are the Primary and Secondary Audiences are from what I have researched about R&B music's Target Audience.

Primary Audience

Teenage Males:

  • Aged 13-25 years old because of explicit lyrics.
  • Attracted to the nudity of women.
  • Lyrics that they can relate to.
  • Usually the Niche audience would be from a black background, becasue they could be influenced by their parents, which would have listened to Soul music that R&B music came from.
  • Males that desire to be wealthy.
  • Sexual Orientation - more than one sexuality because males could be attracted to the male artist or they could be attracted by the representation of wealth.
  • People that have busy lifestyles because the music is energetic. 

    Teenage Women:

    • Also aged 13-25 because of the representation of glamour, style and wealth.
    • Usually from a Black background, also because their parents would have listened to soul and would influenced them to listen to R&B because it partly came from soul.    
    • Women that want to be glamorous or wealthy look up to the artists, for example; Beyonce is shown to be an icon and glamorous.
    • People with busy lifestyles because R&B is very energetic.

    Secondary Audience
    • It would also be both genres, because they still get attracted to the men and women artists and co-stars.
    • They would be aged 25 - 35 because explicit lyrics, but they can relate to these lyrics in their own lives.
    • People ages 25-35 may have grown up listening to that type of music and may still like that genre of music. 


    Music Videos:

    Slow songs:
    There is a Greyscale, Sepia tone and soft colours, which evokes emotion. They follow narratives and commonly have a co-star, these narratives mostly include; references to sex, minimal clothing and close kissing shots. They things are all usually females but recently males have started to do that kind of narrative.

    Fast songs:
    Usually fast tempo, bright colours, fast cars, jewellery and flashy, party like locations, for example; being in clubs with champagne, women wearing minimal/bright clothing with men wearing sunglasses. The videos are mostly commercial and have lots of choreography and the lighting is powerful and artificial.

    The props that they usually use are; expensive alcohol and close ups of products that they are advertising- for example, companies such as; Apple, HTC, Samsung and designer clothes labels.

    They wear minimal cothing with their stomaches on show and normally seen as objects of desire to men. Their make-up and hair is dramatic and eye catching, their legs are elongated by wearing heels, they wear big jewellery (usually gold) and the iconography is that they convey sexuality through clothing and make-up. This is all to show power.

    They perform in a studio with special effects. Males are attracted to the females performing becuase of the minimal clothing. They typically perform songs about love and heart break that other women/teenagers can relate to, as well as, fashion and synergy of music.

    They are usually topless and pictured topless, wearing baggy jeans (low riding) with designer belts, Tatoos (majority are on the chest or arms), subtle jewellery and the iconography is that it's usually quite sexual.

    They attract women when they perform because of the lyrics and physical attraction because of the artist being topless. They attract men because of the naked women, jewellery and the depiction of wealth, which would make the artists idols to people.



    Facebook - On Rihanna's facebook group, they advertise her tours and her new albums and tell people when the albums are coming out.
    They also put links to Itunes on the page, so people can easily access it to buy her music and people are more likely to think to buy it if they have a link on there that reminds them that they can buy her music on Itunes.

    It also provides music previews, so you watch her videos and comment your opinion on the facebook group, this can show what is more popular than other songs and peoples opinion. This creates a relationship between Rihanna and her fans because fans could feel more connected to Rihanna and look at her page frequently to see what Rihanna is doing. Therefore, they will buy more music when new albums come out. This is a successful way of advertising an artist because now Rihanna is a popular R&B artist and lots of different types of people like her.


    Facebook - The Facebook page advertises her new albums, which makes people familiar with when her music is coming out, so they will buy it.

    It also shows Beyonce's beliefs and feelings towards people. For example; there was a picture put up of a letter she wrote to President Obama saying how she adores him and that he is going to influence her daughter's and nephews life. There was also pictures up of advertisement of her album covers on buildings in America, this makes people aware that she's popular all over the world.


    My Target Audience

    Primary Audience:

    My Primary audience is going to be teenagers to young adults aged 13-25, both genders but mastly female because R&B contains qualities that can attract makes and females, however, women are highly attracted to male artists. Some will be from a Black background because they will be influenced by what their parents listened to - Soul (which partly is contained in R&B).

    Demographics -


    • Women that are fashionable and enjoy the representation of glamour.
    • Teenagers could be influenced by what their parents listen/listened to, because of what is played when they are little and what you grow up lsitening to.
    • They could be attracted to the nudity of male artists and inspire to look like female artists.
    • Lyrics that they can relate to, so they will want to listen to it because it feels like the artist is directly talking about them. This is linked to Roland Barthes narrative theory on negotiated meaning, his theory was the process of attaching signifieds to signifiers. Signifiers are words both oral or written ignifieds are what the signifiers refer to.

    • They are attracted to the nudity of women - either artists or co-stars.
    • They may be able to relate to the lyrics (Roland Barthes theory).             

    Psychometric -
    • Energetic & busy lifestyle.
    • Fast paced day-to-day life.

    Secondary Audience:

    Demographics -

    • Adults aged 25-35, that still listen to R&B music.
    • They may have influenced from their teenagers that listen to it.
    Psychometric -
    • They have time on their hands to listen to it - stay at home mums of teenagers that are influenced by their children.

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