Contents Page




Image: The image on this contents page is of a women wearing a leotard and heals, laying with her legs in the air. This is implying that she's flirtatious because she's looking straight at the camera, as well as, the way she is laying. because she has her legs up in the air, it suggests that she's trying to show them off and that they are the main important of the image. This is because her legs are in the centre of the page and are the first thing you look at. In my contents page, my main image will be in the centre so catch peoples eye even more after they've already choose to read the magazine and I like how the word 'contents' is broken up and on different lines, it makes the page look quite snazzy.                                                                                 

Mis-en-scene: The background gets lighter the closer it gets to the women in the picture, this suggests that she is lighting up the room, which implies that she is desirable. She is represented to be desirable, also because her tanned legs stand out because of the colour of the background being grey and white. This shows that she has nice skin and people always want to have a tan, especially women. This shows that the audience isn't just aimed at men because she being flirtatious but it's also aimed at young women because a lot of them will want to look like her. In my contents page, I will change the lighting around the person in my image to make them look desirable because R&B artists are commonly known to be glamorous and desirable. 


Layout & page design: This contents page is very picture motivated. The main big picture at the top of the page of the girl shows the reader what the main object of the magazine is because it is the first thing a reader will look at because it's bigger than the other pictures. The layout includes images next to a few of the magazine pages because it is a preview of what the articles are about, which draws readers in if it relates or interests them. In my contents page, I will do this because I think it's easier to see what the articles are about so readers can go straight to what they want to read, rather than having to flick through the whole magazine looking for something interesting for them to read.

Image: The main image shows a long shot of a girl looking straight at the camera holding her foot and is just in her underwear and a jacket. The jacket is unzipped showing her skin that is teasing a male audience because she hasn't got anything on underneath. This is the main image which shows that the magazines primary audience is males and then females are the secondary audience because of how seductive she is and how females would want to look like her. In my magazine contents page, I won't have this type of image because my primary audience is women, so it won't attract that audience if I have flirtatious women in my magazine. 


Number of pages in my Magazine

This is a plan of the pages that would be in my magazine. I have included adverts because every magazine has adverts that interest their audience, this helps that company with customers because more people that would buy it see the product, as well as, if they see a product their interested in they will want to buy the magazine because they can be told about products they don't have or don't know about. Also, there are testers of Tresemme shampoo because the target audience that both use and don't use Tresemme will find it useful and it is extra advertisement for that company. These seem to be in magazines most of the time and suggests that they have good relationships with these companies and his makes them have a good reputation because they want to get the testers before other magazines do because it is an attraction for customers. I have other articles about people that a reader of my magazine would be interested in reading about, for example a celebrity that people like to hear gossip about. I put in a 'Christmas Fashion' article because women are always thinking about fashion and it is a Christmas edition of the magazine so I'm linking to the time of the year.

Draft & Layout

This is my draft layout for my contents page, I started my contents page by arranging writing and a title where I thought it would look good, I used this as a layout to develop my contents page and make it look much more professional and match the genre expectations. This helped me start because it gave me ideas on how to make it the standard I wanted it. From this plan I realised I had to have a more snazzy font and colour for the heading, a more eye-catching arrangement and font for the page titles. 

I looked up contents pages on Google because I needed help with the arrangement of the text, I found this one and liked how the text was smaller than the page number and there was page numbers next to the pictures on the right hand side because it was clear what was on each page. I used this in my contents page because it looks professional and quite eye-catching.


I chose a font that I thought would be appropriate for an R'n'B magazine. I put the font into 4 different colours and asked 5 people what colour they preferred and I made a tally on what people thought. This was a good way to create the best contents page I could because I asked people that like and listen to R'n'B music and also buy magazines of this genre. So I got a good opinion on what they would expect to see and what would look more realistic. 

This showed that most of the people I asked preferred the blue font, this was because they found it more eye-catching and that it stood out the most. I put this font on my contents page to see if it looked as good with my background and layout, but it wasn't eye-catching enough so I thought the whole heading should be a different colour instead of being mainly black.

But after trying them out with my colour schemes, I thought that the headline would look better in red because it's a bold colour and it will stand out so people will know that it's the contents page.


I looked at lots of different fonts for my contents page and found a few to try and I looked at all of them and put them on my contents to see which one looked the best, these are the fonts I tried:

After trying out all of them, I decided that the last font was my favourite and that it worked quite well.    


These are the photos I took for my contents page, It thought it would be quite effective to have a thumbnail effect underneath my artist article as a preview of the article.

This would have an effect of the reader seeing a preview of the article because the audience will be drawn to that the page more because they get to see images that are linked to the article and because they are 2 artists featured together, fans of Carrianna would be interested to see what they have done together and because her genres R'n'B and the male artist is Indie is quite unusual so people would be interested in how the 2 genres collaborate.


1) This is my draft contents page:

I asked my form group what they thought of it and this was the feed back.

They all said that they liked the colour scheme, but they didn't like the font of the title and that it didn't go with the rest of the writing because the text looked much posher than the title and the text didn't match the genre. They said that I needed to make it more professional by making my font choices better and the same style to make it look like an R'n'B magazine. 

Final Contents Page

I improved my contents by changing the colour of the title from red to black, which made it suit an R'n'B style. I also changed the background colour and made it a light blue colour instead of light pink because it represents Christmas because it's an icy colour. I also changed the layout because I decided that having the title on the right hand side didn't work. I changed the font of the text so it would match the style of the title because on my draft the font was too posh to be in an R'n'B magazine. I changed the colour of some of the text so some key words stood out and it was clear what every page was about. Finally, I slanted the photos on page 18 so they looked more interesting that having them next to each other straight.     

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