Double Page Spread



Mis-en-scene: In the image, the background is blue and her dress is black, as well as the silhouettes and cameras. This makes it seem like she's connected to the cameras because they are the same colour. The props she is carrying implies that she's glamorous  For example; she's holding a chihuahua and a stereotype for a women holding a dog is someone from a place like Beverley Hills and the stereotype for them people are that they are quite ditsy and really materialistic, this links to the picture with the cameras because lots of celebrities live in that area so it is well known for paparazzi to be there and this shows the reader where the location is instantly when you look at it. In my double page spread I will include different colours, to show that my artist is abstract and they have a colourful image.

Language & Register: The heading is in a fancy font that makes you think that the artist is quite posh and well presented. The word 'Lame' suggests that the writer of this article doesn't like the artist and they may see her as being the typical 'blonde' and quite spoilt because of the way she is showed in the picture, which is that she is wearing a sparkly dress, sunglasses and heals. This shows that she's a certain artist that people either love or hate because she suits only a certain genre because of the way she's dressed and the way she's posing. In my double page spread, my artist is a very popular artist that is respected and liked by most people.   


Mis-en-scene: The lighting is right in front of them because you can see their shadows, this adds atmosphere because they are bigger than them which implies that there is something else about them that people don't them and it gives them an identity which makes them all individual because everyone is different and their shadows are all different. They are in a prison as if they were having a mugshot taken, which implies that the artists are quite mischievous because they have committed a crime. They also are all pulling off face masks which seems that they are mysterious and hide themselves and are revealing their faces. In my magazine, the background will be very plain, to show that my artist has nothing to hide and is just herself, which people like in a performer.

Image: This picture represents the artists to be mysterious because they are pulling masks off their faces, which shows that they are uncovering themselves and showing their true identities. This could attract an audience because teenage girls would be attracted to that kind of image of them being bad boys and criminals, this makes appear to be mysterious and interesting. I want to make my artist slightly mysterious and look glamorous, as well as innocent to attract all types of people.


Image: This image of Lily Allen represents her to have attitude. She's got her hands on her hips which suggests that she isn't really bothered about the quote in the heading. By the heading being seen as ripped up pieces of newspaper, it shows that she might just be hiding behind the excuse of telling the truth but she actually is an attention seeker because rip up pieces of newspaper and fit them together to get attention. Also, she is slightly turned as if she is going to walk away, which implies that she is walking away from the situation and it doesn't bother her what people think of her. This shows her image as a strong, head strong woman. I will make my artist looking straight on, to imply that she has a connection with her audience and is confident about herself.

Language & Register: The heading is a quote of something that Lily Allen has said, which tells you what the article is going to be about - people saying that she's an attention seeker. This is aimed at a female audience because women are attracted to things that are gossip about a celebrity and there's no slang in the headline which attracts intelligent adults because they will think that it's worth reading and it could be something that they are interested in. The target audience is also teenager girls because the headline is shown as ripped up newspaper letters which is informal, so this attracts that audience to read the article. This shows that Lily Allen is a popular artist because the writer thinks that people want to read gossip about her and aim the article at more than one audience because more than one age range like Lily Allen. I'm going to have a quote on my heading because it gives the reader a preview from the article. 


I planned out layouts for my double page spread to ask peoples opinions on which works better for an R&B magazine. I thought that this would be a good idea because then I could make it as attractive to my Primary audience as possible. These were my ideas...




I asked 10 people which one they preferred and this was the result... 

This showed that half the people I asked picked Plan 2 and found it more appealing to them. I tried this layout but having 3 little pictures on the side didn't work for my double page spread, so I changed my layout to this because it was more professional and it looks better because it was a simpler design and wasn't too complicated for an audience to read. 


Here is a transcript of my draft interview that going to be on my final double page spread, I thought about what would actually be asked in an interview with an artist. I looked at other articles in music magazines and they all had questions about their tour and their new albums, as well as ,their past albums. Also, people asked about their personal life because readers like to read about people and gossip about them.

After getting another 2 Bafta’s and an MTV Music Award this year, we talked to her about her everyday life and career and this is the interview:

Interviewer: Hi it’s lovely to see you how are you? So have you enjoyed your life as an R&B star?
Carrianna: Oh Very much, I travelled the world and met loads of really interesting people.
Interviewer: What’s your favourite thing?
Carrianna: Definitely touring the world.
Interviewer: So do you still have time for your family & friends?
Carrianna: Yeah I do I always make sure that I see my family at least 2 times a month and I’m going to be at my parents house at Christmas.
Interviewer: So do you not have a boyfriend to spend Christmas with?
Carrianna: No, I don’t really have time for that; I focus on my work all the time so I don’t really have time to think about that at the moment.
Interviewer: Oh okay, So did you enjoy your tour?
Carrianna: Yeah I did thank you, it was amazing. I met lots of people that I will speak to for the rest of my life and it was so heart-warming to see fans all over the world and them to have the same support all over the world.
Interviewer: Oh that sound amazing, for everyone that wants to know, when’s your new album out?
Carrianna: 25th July.
Interviewer: Have you got anything different in the album that we haven’t seen before?
Carrianna: I’ve added a bit of pop and soft pop in to some songs because I felt like doing something different and I like them genres as well as R&B so I really enjoyed it.
Interviewer: Well thanks for coming to talk to me and I’m looking forward to the next time I see you, good luck with your album.
Carrianna: Aww thank you, yes see you soon, Bye.

This is my article after I adjusted and changed it. This is an improvement because it shows each person speaking clearly and it introduces the artist well. I think this shows the artists character and is an accurate interview of what people would ask artists and what readers of the magazine would want to read about. 


After getting another 2 Bafta’s and an MTV Music Award this year, Carrianna has continued to break storm with her X Factor performing last week. She amazed us with her debut single only 6 months ago and has grown very quickly into a successful and respected R&B artist. We talked to her about her everyday life and career and this is the interview:

Interviewer: Hi it’s lovely to see you how are you? So have you enjoyed your life as an R&B star?                                                                                                                     

Carrianna: Oh Very much, I travelled the world and met loads of really interesting people.
Interviewer: What’s your favourite thing?
Carrianna: Definitely touring the world.
Interviewer: So do you still have time for your family & friends?
Carrianna: Yeah I do I always make sure that I see my family at least 2 times a month and I’m going to be at my parents house at Christmas.
Interviewer: So do you not have a boyfriend to spend Christmas with?
Carrianna: No, I don’t really have time for that; I focus on my work all the time so I don’t really have time to think about that at the moment.
Interviewer: Oh okay, So did you enjoy your tour?
Carrianna: Yeah I did thank you, it was amazing. I met lots of people that I will speak to for the rest of my life and it was so heart-warming to see fans all over the world and them to have the same support all over the world.
Interviewer: Oh that sound amazing, for everyone that wants to know, when’s your new album out?
Carrianna: 25th July.
Interviewer: Have you got anything different in the album that we haven’t seen before?
Carrianna: I’ve added a bit of pop and soft pop in to some songs because I felt like doing something different and I like them genres as well as R&B so I really enjoyed it.
Interviewer: Well thanks for coming to talk to me and I’m looking forward to the next time I see you, good luck with your album.
Carrianna: Aww thank you, yes see you soon, Bye.


In my double page spread, I wanted my subheading to reflect the artist and show what the article is about, I'm going to do this by putting a pull quote on the bottom of the heading.The article is about her career, so I will put a quote saying something that may be exciting for a reader that's a fan of Carrianna because it will draw an audience in, this is an important part of a double page spread.  

I chose to put use the quote - "I've always wanted to mix the two", because it carries on from my heading and it explains more about the ' R'n'B & Indie Collaboration ', which will draw the audience in because it's quite unusual for 2 genres like that to combine. 

I looked at different fonts and these were the ones I thought would stand out.     

I put all of the fonts onto my double page spread and the last font (Georgia) looked the best. I then asked other people in my class if they agreed.

They also thought this font was the best to use on my double page spread, so I used this on my final double page spread.


I carried out a photo shoot and took a variety of photos and picked one to put on my double page spread. The photos were all representing a Christmas Edition magazine because it was snowing so I thought it would be appropriate, however, it was also difficult to get photos that were the expectation of an R'n'B magazine.

I decided to use this photo...

Because it shows the unity of the artists by them standing next to each other and smiling. Also the photo is taken in nice scenery. Also, I liked how the artists are on the right side of the photo, which means that the left side can be used for the article and the heading can go above their heads.  

I asked my form group what they thought of my double page spread and gave them a questionnaire to fill out to give me an idea as to what they thought of my double page spread. 

What they said is that they found that the article was professional and realistic, like they would find in an actual article. They said that the main image fits with the article and the font of the title works with the style of the article. They also said that the pull quote engages an audeince to read the article and is interesting.





Final Double Page Spread

My draft double page spread only had the article on the background picture. I improved my work and my knowledge on magazines because I learned more about how double page spreads are layed out because at first, I struggled with producing pages from magazine. I had to change it because the subheading was too big and was covering the picture and the drop cap needed to be a different colour as 'R'n'B' in the heading. I also needed to put in a pull quote in the article, to make the article look more professional.

This is my final double page spread:

This is an improvement because it looks more professional and it links the title 'R'n'B' to the beginning of the article because the drop cap is the same colour. This shows that the article is about her (the R'n'B artist). Also, the subheading (pull quote) is effective because it draws people in by giving them a small outlook on the article on what it's about, as well as, explaining the heading in more detail so the audience knows exactly what they are going to read about. and they either are certain or not to whether they are interested in it and don't have to read the first few paragraphs to find out.

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